Street and Public Place Use Permit

What needs a Street and Public Place Use Permit?

Street and Public Place Use Permits are needed any time you’re obstructing the normal use of the street or public place. This includes:

Street and Public Place Use Permits for construction work are issued by the Engineering Department. For other activities, see the links above for contact information. 

Sidewalk Closure

Before you apply for a street use permit:

  • Plan ahead. A permit application takes from two to 10 days for review and approval.
  • Commercial contractors must have a Town of Banff Business License.
  • See the FAQs below.

 Applications must include:

  • Name, address and contact information of the applicant.
  • Description of the work and a Traffic Management Plan (sketch or map showing how pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be safely controlled around the work site).
  • Proof of general liability insurance.

Permit applicants are responsible for: 

  • Paying permit fees before the work start date. Permits are not valid until payment has been received. 
  • Supplying all signage, barricades and devices necessary to implement the Traffic Management Plans (including “No Parking” signage with date and permit number, placed 72 hours in advance for residential zones). 
  • Notification in advance to all residents, businesses and property owners who may be affected by any street closures. 

Bylaw Updates 

In 2023, Banff Town Council reviewed and updated the Street and Public Place Use Bylaw.  Please be aware of the following changes made:

  • Increase to fines for various offenses including:
    • Failure to obtain a Street Use Permit – penalty increased to $500.
    • Failure to follow Street Use Permit conditions – penalty increased to $1000.
    • Failure to comply with direction given by a Peace Officer regarding ceasing activities without a permit – penalty increased to $1000.
  • Addition of late payment penalty of +50% for fee payments made after the permit start date. 
  • Increase to required permit holder’s liability insurance coverage – increased to $5M.

For details, download the Street and Public Place Use Bylaw

Questions? Contact 

Construction Noise Hours

  • Construction noise is permitted from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM, Mon-Sat, and not permitted on Sundays and holidays.

Permit Application Form:

Submit Application to: