Development Permits & Applications

To construct a new building, renovate an existing building or change the use (or intensity of use) of a property, you need a development permit.

Development Permits

All applications are PDFs. Email Kerry MacInnis completed applications.

Development Process and Fees

Review the Development Process and how it relates to your project and see a list of Development Fees.


The approving authority for development permits is either the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission, depending on the scale and sensitivity of the proposed development. The applicant is required to post a notification sign on the site that is the subject of the application. Notification of Requirements for Development Permit Applications (PDF)


Decisions on development permits may be appealed to the Development Appeal Board. Appeals must be made in writing within 14 days of an issuance of a decision, or in the case of a subdivision, within 30 calendar days. Other conditions apply.

Appeal Application Form and Guidelines (PDF) 

Zero Waste Requirements for Development Permits

All construction projects must appropriately manage and dispose of construction waste. Certain applicants will be required to submit a Waste Management Plan Form as a condition of their Development Permit. The Planning and Development department will confirm whether your project is required to submit a Zero Waste Plan

The Town of Banff has partnered with the Bow Valley Waste Commission to create financial incentives to encourage developers to properly manage reusable waste materials. For more information, please consult Your How-to Guide for Construction Waste Management (PDF) 

Home Occupations & Bed & Breakfasts

Development Permits must be renewed every year for Home Occupations (home-based businesses) and for Bed & Breakfast operations. This is to ensure operators remain in compliance with the regulations in the Land Use Bylaw and the original conditions of approval, without adversely affecting neighbours.

If you are a permit holder, your renewal notices and forms will be mailed to you. If you have not received your renewal notice, please contact Planning and Development as soon as possible.

If you are a neighbouring property owner with concerns regarding an adjacent home occupation or bed and breakfast operation, please submit your comments or concerns in writing to:

Town of Banff
Planning and Development
110 Bear Street, Box 1260
Banff AB, T1L 1A1

The Eligible Resident Confirmation Form is to be completed by the applicant and verified by Parks Canada. To obtain Parks Canada confirmation, please provide the Parks Canada Realty Office a completed Eligible Resident Confirmation Form and associated proof of eligible residency via email ( Alternatively you can schedule an in-person appointment to provide the completed form, associated proof and obtain verification.

When a Permit is Not Required

Development permits are not required for routine maintenance and repair work, mechanical and electrical work, or repainting a building or sign to the same colour or finish. Contact the Planning & Development department to confirm whether you need a development permit.

Common Permits

View a list of the Town of Banff's Common Business Licenses and Development Permits and download associated forms or applications.

Development Permit Viewer

Learn about development in town, decision timelines, and provide input through the Development Permit Viewer.